Welcome to Progress Over Perfect where I share about my passion for all things motherhood, homemaking and holistic living.

Nice to meet you!
I was born and raised in California and met my husband when I was 18. He was wearing a “work sucks, I’m going surfing” shirt and thought I was checking him out. I was not. We still live in LA with our goofy Bernedoodle, Luna, and our two beautiful daughters Kyla and Jubilee. I love Jesus and it is my true hope that this space glorifies Him, and encourages and uplifts you in the journey that you’re on.
A few fun facts about me
When I was a little girl our school had “Career Day” where we were supposed to dress up as what we wanted to be when we grew up. I stuffed my shirt with a towel to create a pregnant belly and carried around a baby doll. Being a mom has always been a dream of mine and it is such a blessing and a joy.
I’m perfectly content spending most of my time at home. Cooking, cleaning and organizing are therapeutic for me, and creating a safe and cozy place for my family fills my heart with so much joy.
Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a bit of a hippie and a lover of all things natural, organic and holistic. I’m still learning, but the more I learn, the more I embrace a holistic lifestyle.
One day I hope to move out of the city, raise chickens and get a baby goat. Call me crazy but baby goats are the cutest.
One of my favorite things to eat is soup. Maybe this goes back to the being cold thing, but you can make it so many different ways, you only have to use one pot and it’s so nourishing! In fact, I love soup so much that my sister-in-law bought me this book for my birthday last year.
I’m a bit of an old soul. I’m into reading, puzzles and Mr. Rogers style sweaters. My friends used to call me “Old Lady Davies” (my maiden name).
Why progress over perfect?
I’ve struggled with perfectionism for as long as I can remember. I’ve allowed it to hold me back from trying new things, completing projects or learning new skills. I have a fear of looking “stupid” or failing (which I previously defined as not doing something perfectly). That’s a pretty high bar and it doesn’t allow me to make mistakes and grow from them — it can be absolutely crippling.
Then, three years ago I became a mom. I want to teach my girls so many things — how to budget and save, how to sew, and how to make homemade bread, to name a few. Many of the things I want to teach them are things I have yet to learn myself. I realized, however, that it’s more valuable to teach them that they are capable of doing hard things. Moreover, that it’s okay to make mistakes along the way. I want to show them what grace looks like. Grace for me, grace for themselves and grace for others, because none of us are perfect. In choosing progress over perfect, my life is a testimony of grace for my girls who are learning patience, perseverance, grace and how failure is one of the best teachers.
Thanks for stopping by!
My prayer is that through this blog, God would be magnified in the mundane. In the baking of bread and the changing of diapers, in the dishes and laundry, in the way that I care for my husband, my children, my home, and myself — that it would all be a reflection of His grace and power at work. That as I try, fail and learn, that you too, are inspired to try something new — even if you can’t do it perfectly!
Join me here for new posts each week and follow along with our family over on Youtube and Instagram for more motherhood, homemaking and holistic living content!
Can’t wait to see you there, friends!
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