Today I want to share a Jesus centered Easter gift guide, as well as some great resources for disciplining your kids while you share the true meaning of Easter with them.
Jesus Centered Easter Basket Ideas
First, you’ll need an Easter Basket. I love this cute, lined wicker basket that can be reused year after year.

Next, you’ll need grass or paper shred. I like to use paper shred so I can recycle it after Easter is over. This company sells many different colors, so you can choose your child’s favorite color or go with a color theme this Easter.

These silicone Easter Eggs are non-toxic and are much more durable then traditional, plastic Easter Eggs making them a perfect option for someone wanting to reuse them for next year’s Easter basket, or for sensory play or your child’s play kitchen.

Next, I found this adorable Jesus stuffy. My girls LOVE stuffed animals, so I’m hoping that they really love being able to snuggle up with this adorable stuffy.

Yum Earth Candy is my absolute favorite! It’s organic, allergy friendly, and has no artificial colors, preservatives or high fructose corn syrup. Plus, it tastes amazing! I usually put 1 jelly bean or “giggle” into each one of my girl’s Easter eggs.

I also love to include Easter themed stickers. These stickers are a perfect for parents who prefer a non-sugary alternative to candy in their children’s Easter eggs since they are perforated and fit inside the eggs nicely. These ones, on the other hand, come on a sheet, perfect for crafts.

This Jesus and Friends Wooden Playset is something that I included in my daughter’s basket last year. When we read the Bible together in the morning, we like to use the figurines to act out the stories. It has been really fun to incorporate a visual aid. Occasionally, I’ve found her using them during her pretend play as well.

This Take Along Bible Storyteller is something that I purchased for my daughter’s basket this year and I’m so excited for her to use it! She has similar book sets that she really enjoys, so I know she is going to love this one! Plus, this one plays songs as well.

Lastly, I thought this customizable Easter themed puzzle was really cute!

Favorite Easter Books
Here are some of my favorite books about Easter that we read year after year.
This is Easter and Jesus Rose for Me are both board books that are great for little ones.

A Very Happy Easter and The Story of Easter have paper pages.

Other Helpful Easter Resources
I also wanted to include a few other resources that you could consider incorporating into your celebration to facilitate more conversations with your little ones about the meaning of Easter.
These Easter Scripture cards and paper dolls printables are such a great way to teach your children about the events leading up to Easter and the Resurrection. I can’t wait to incorporate them into our homeschool curriculum this year.

In addition, if you’re interested in digging into the roots of Easter and why we celebrate it, I would highly recommend this blog post and podcast episode from Phylicia Masonheimer. Her podcast has been an immense blessing and encouragement to me! She also has an Easter Celebration E-book with lots of information and ideas on how you can celebrate with your family.
Lastly, we love using Resurrection Eggs to walk out kids through Holy Week. They get to open up an egg each day, and each one is filled with a symbol that they get to hold while I share the story. They get so excited to open their eggs and to see what’s inside!

If you found any helpful resources in this gift guide, please share this Jesus centered Easter gift guide with your friends!

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What about you?
What are some of your favorite ways to celebrate Easter? Do you have any other fun ideas for sharing the Easter story with your kids? Share with us in the comments below! Happy Easter friends!
I love the books! And the silicone eggs are such a great idea and perfect alternative to the cheap plastic ones.